Creating A Nest Egg So You Can Retire


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly discuss the concept of creating a nest egg so you can retire. In discussing this, Kelly notes that she was a saver from a young age. Literally putting aside 20% a year. She was taught this by her dad who made her read the classic book Richest Man in Babylon. It truly is a fabulous book that really explains the concept of saving and compounding interest. John points out that he wasn’t that enlightened when he was younger. He didn’t really save in his 30s and 40s because he thought he would hit it big at some point in his entrepreneurial career. Fortunately he did. But it wasn’t a good strategy not to be embracing savings from a young age.

I Thought I’d Be Further Along By Now


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly discuss the concept that lots of people feel. I thought I’d be further along by now. Both Kelly and John have experienced this. Kelly experienced it when she was about 35 and finally making the leap to entrepreneurship. She always envisioned that she would be an entrepreneur from a very young age. But at 35 she’d never made the leap. John experienced this when he was both 40 and 50. One of the things to do to overcome this is you must establish a personal mission statement. Something that really drives your life. And it’s got to be emotional. And it’s got to be something beyond yourself the drives your life. That’s really the starting point for accelerating your success in life.

What is Mindset


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly discuss the concept of mindset. A concept we hear a lot about today. But what is mindset. John and Kelly discuss this at length. And John has a very simple explanation of mindset. It’s controlling your thoughts. And here’s the significance of controlling your thoughts. Your daily actions determine your success in life. Every action must first be preceded by I thought. Accordingly, when you control your thoughts, you control your actions. Then John points out the most significant thing he ever learned in his life. That 95% your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious.

Our 2% Mastermind: Tweaking Up Your Visualization


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly discuss the newly created quarterly “2% mastermind” that is free to all listeners of The Missing Secret Podcast. For those listeners who are doing our 12 minute a day methodology, you’re living your life quarter by quarter. Accordingly, you have a new goal each quarter for your career, a new goal for your marriage, and a new goal for your health. In the 2% mastermind we answer questions as you tweak up your visualization. We also give you examples of how we’re changing our own various goals.

You’re Wired for Survival: Why That’s a Problem and How to Fix It


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly explained that as human beings, we are all innately wired for survival. That’s not a good thing. Because it causes 75% of our thoughts to be fear-based, we’re reactive rather than proactive on our important agenda, and we’re profoundly resistant to change. Now those things were actually what kept us alive 50,000 years ago, but it’s exactly the opposite of how we need to be in order to be productive, creative and happy in the modern world. So you have to overcome being wired for survival.

Encore: Feeling of “Not Good Enough”


In this encore episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John explains the topic of today’s episode. Do you ever have the feeling that you’re “not good enough”? This question comes up from a speaker that presented to John’s class at the University of Texas. Many students came up afterwards to discuss the feeling of not good enough. And John realizes that’s a feeling many people probably have. The source of this is that we are all wired for survival. It causes 75% of our thoughts to be fear-based. And we’re reactive rather than proactive on our important agenda. That’s exactly why people feel like they’re not enough. You’re hardwired to feel like you’re not enough. Why would you feel any other way.

Encore: Your Spirituality – You Can Re-Create Who You Are


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John explains the topic of today’s episode. Your spirituality – you can re-create who you are. John talks about his class at the University of Texas that he is currently teaching. He’s re-creating 36 lies with intention. As he pointed out to his class, who you are today is a function of good influences and bad influences. That’s created good attributes in yourself and some negative characteristics that you would want to change. But all that happened by happenstance. Very little of who you are today was created with intention and clarity.

QUESTIONS – The Power To Influence


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly talk about the power of using questions to influence people. Kelly has built her business career around asking great questions. It plays out throughout her life. John talks about using questions to influence people regarding embracing think it be it. As an example, sometimes he will ask a person …

The Power Of Knowing Your DISC Profile – As Well As Your Spouse’s


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly talk about the most significant things they’ve learned this year. For Kelly, it was reaffirming her resilience. For John, it was learning the disc profile. Understanding that he is a D. He’s an action taker and does things fast and is focused on tasks. Whereas John’s precious wife Ginger is a C. She does things slow and is a perfectionist. Also focused on tasks. This has been powerful in John’s life to understand this because we all have a natural tendency to think that people who don’t see things the way that we see them are simply wrong or inferior. Not so. They’re just processing information differently. Appreciating this subtle difference is powerful.

Turning Being “More Enlightened” Into Who You Are


In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly talk about as we get older, we tend to become more enlightened. John gives two examples. A few years ago he noticed that the only time he ever really lost his temper was at technology. And he would get angry out loud. Then he stepped back from that and realized – what good does that do. It only made him more stressed. So he decided to change that. And he put that enlightenment in his daily visualization. Well immediately, that stopped. Because he trained his subconscious mind to not get angry out loud.