Doing Your Best Doesn’t Work


In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the idea that the doing your best doesn’t work. John discusses that when he was 40 years old, he adopted the strategy for success of just doing his best. That’s all he controlled. So that’s what he focused on. Doing his best. But that didn’t produce big results. Then he got enlightened in his 50s. He understood fundamentally how success works. It comes down to your daily actions. And if you don’t know the proper daily actions to take, even though you might be doing your best, you won’t have big success. What John learned is that the key to being successful is creating immense clarity about your life. Defining exactly the person you want to be, exactly what you want to accomplish, and precisely how you’re going to achieve your clearly defined goals. By defining that, then you see the right actions you take. It becomes obvious.

Influence – Influencing Other People, Influencing Yourself (Encore)


In this episode John and Kelly talk about how we are all in the influence business. And influence has two components to it. First, influencing yourself. That means getting yourself to do the key habits required to be successful. Having discipline. John talks about how this is leadership of self. Which means having the mindset of I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I own my results and am never a victim. Being able to summon up grit and perseverance when things don’t go well. Kelly then talked about how she influences other people like her team. By being authentic and doing what she says she’s going to do. John talks about the book how to win friends and influence people.

Wisdom Transfer Dilemma


In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the challenge of taking wisdom and sharing it with other people. John talks about a statue that sits in his den. It has three men that are climbing. The lowest guy is struggling, the middle guy is going sideways, and the third guy is going straight up. When John looks at that statue each morning, he thinks about his own life. The guy at the lowest level was was John in his 30s. The guy going sideways was John in his 40s. And the guy going straight up John in his 50s. John sees that when he started going straight up in his 50s, he saw and understood things he never understood before. He gained wisdom from the book Think and Grow Rich. He was just operating on a higher level. He understood how the human mind worked, and that was the difference Kelly talks about how she has learned from other people as well.

John’s Story – 12 Minutes A Day to Success (Encore)


Upon reflecting upon his life at the age of 50, John Mitchell just did not feel like he was as successful as he should be. Picking up the book Think and Grow Rich, John was intrigued by the advocation of applying science to up your success however the book only gave half the secret to make this happen. Listen as John shares his story as he figured out the full secret and how with the development and application of a 12 minute a day technique, he saw his income rise to $5 million net a year.

Most People Are Re-Creating The Past-Joe Dispenza

In this episode John and Kelly discuss an idea that comes from Joe Dispenza. He says that when we wake up each morning, we are oriented to our recent past. To our familiar past. So when our eyes open each morning, three things are going on. First we’re innately wired for survival. Which causes us to be fear-based and reactive. …

Success Is Something You Attract, Not Chase (Encore)


In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the concept that success is something you attract, rather than something you chase. By being the type of person that does attract success. As Kelly points out, BE then DO. John makes the analogy of someone trying to catch a butterfly. It’s very elusive. Just like success. But if you become the person that you need to be in order to be successful, you will attract success. Kelly talked about the idea of envisioning the best version of yourself 10 years from now. And envisioning what you would have accomplished. Then seeing the type of person you would need to be in order to attain that level of success. It’s a great analogy. Putting yourself in a third-party position to see the person you need to be in order to attract the success you want is a fundamental concept.

We All Have A Big Problem We Must Overcome: We Are wired For Survival Not Success


In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the idea that we all have a problem in life that we must overcome. We are all innately wired for survival, not success. And here’s the impact of being wired for survival. It causes 70% of our thoughts to be fear-based. We’re reactive rather than proactive on our important agenda. So think about that. If you’re innately wired to be fear-based and reactive, that’s exactly the opposite of how you need to be in order to be productive creative and happy. And to say that another way, you’re wired for failure.

Personal Responsibility


In this episode, John and Kelly discuss personal responsibility. To launch into this topic, John plays a five minute presentation by Darren Hardy. After the clip plays, John and Kelly unpack what we learned. The first thing we learn is that you created the life you have. Whatever you have in your life, both good and bad, you created it. The second thing we learned is that cornerstone of personal responsibility is never being a victim. Eliminating victimhood.

Why Are Only 2% Of People Driven

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the fact that only 2% of people are driven. John explains that he first discovered this about five years ago. He decided to go to the top expert in the world on success and share think it be it with him or her. As it turns out, John decided that Darren Hardy was …

We Live In An “Absence Of Truth” World

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the fact that we live in an absence of truth world. There are no facts today. Everything is opinions. And the effect of that is it is hard to move forward in resolving important issues. John gives the example of rising crime. So how do we solve the problem. When you dig into …