In this debut episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly explain the science of success. And more specifically the science of leveraging yourself. As you’ll learned in the episode, at 50 John Mitchell wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. He had been an entrepreneur for 20 years, consistently earning $200,000...
In this episode John and Kelly talk about human nature. How humans are wired for survival, not for success. And that plays out regarding the negatives in human nature. We tend to be self focused, we tend to be reactive. As humans, we tend to be lazy. We tend to be unfocused. Easily distracted. That’s...
In this episode John and Kelly explain how to use our life GPS template after you have created it from our AI algorithm. Where after you answer about 50 questions, you press a button and our template is customized to your unique life. In this week’s episode, we explain actually how to use the life...
In this episode, John and Kelly explain how to use our AI algorithm to customize our life GPS template to your unique life. They start out by recapping the science we learned last week. Kelly explains the reticular activating system. How it’s the filter for the brain. And how important it is to give clarity...
In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the science of success. How to leverage yourself through science. And we have a special opportunity for magic 36 over the next three weeks. We’re going to teach you exactly how to do our 12 minute day methodology and give you access to our life GPS template....
In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the fact that your success is already in your head. More specifically your success comes down to the relationship you have with yourself in your moments of solitude. When your head is on the pillow at night. John says that the most significant thing he ever learned...