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Think It Be It


In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the impact of the think it be it methodology regarding one’s romantic relationship. To start this off, Kelly discusses how the methodology has affected her marriage. John then explains the think it be it methodology in a nutshell. You create immense clarity. Exactly the person you want to...
In this episode, John and Kelly discuss netting over $1 million a year. Which only one third of 1% of people are able to do. John talks about when he was first able to do this in his early 50s. It happened because he had immensely more control over himself. He could do now five...
In this episode, John and Kelly discuss something that Kelly actually said to John when she met him. She said she felt like there was more in the tank. She couldn’t understand the disconnect between her efforts and your results. Why weren’t the results better. Again, there was more in the tank that she couldn’t...
In this episode, John and Kelly discuss that is on you to figure out your life. John talks about coming to grips with this when he was 50 years old. And not only did he have to accept full responsibility, he also saw that he had to figure out the specific actions he had to...
In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the idea that the doing your best doesn’t work. John discusses that when he was 40 years old, he adopted the strategy for success of just doing his best. That’s all he controlled. So that’s what he focused on. Doing his best. But that didn’t produce big results....
In this episode John and Kelly talk about how we are all in the influence business. And influence has two components to it. First, influencing yourself. That means getting yourself to do the key habits required to be successful. Having discipline. John talks about how this is leadership of self. Which means having the mindset...