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Think It Be It


In this episode, John and Kelly discuss that you get in life is what you create. But what drives the creative process? It’s what we expect. Expectations manifest themselves. So let’s think about this a little deeper. If expectations manifest themselves, what drives our expectations? It’s our thoughts. And our thoughts are dictated by the...
In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the idea of seeking to understand before you try to be understood. John mentions that this is one of the seven habits of highly successful people. He recently read that book again and this was the habit that really caught his attention. Kelly and John talk about...
In this episode, John and Kelly talk about growing intellectually. And how important it is to make your personal growth both consistent (every week) as well as strategic relative to what you want to accomplish. Kelly describes a great system she’s created for herself. Every Sunday she defines the things she’s going to listen to...
In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the fact that everyone has a superpower. And there’s power in knowing what it is and playing into it. Kelly’s superpower is being a people person. Being able to make people feel heard and recognized. Having empathy. John goes on to say that his superpower is being able...
In this episode, John and Kelly discuss an innovation to the think it be it methodology. You can listen to your daily visualization rather than read it. John explains that he’s been reading his visualization for like 20 years. But he is so enamored now with being able to listen to it instead. Every way...
In this episode, John and Kelly talk about how you answer the daily question “how are you doing “. It has a huge impact on how you influence others as well as how you influence yourself. Kelly says that when she is asked that question, her standard response is “EXCELLENT”. For John, he answers “living...