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The Missing Secret


In this episode John and Kelly talk about the importance of having a “system” for growing. A weekly system that is both consistent as well as strategic relative to what you want to accomplish. When you have such a system, you become what they call a “conduit of learning”. Kelly talks about how every Sunday...
In this episode John and Kelly talk about how you answer the daily question “how are you doing “. It has a huge impact on how you influence others as well as how you influence yourself. Kelly says that when she is asked that question, her standard response is “EXCELLENT”. For John, he answers “living...
In this episode John and Kelly talk about the importance of having perspective in life. John gives the example regarding the evolution over the last three years of think it be it. Initially he and Kelly thought think it be it was for everyone. Everyone wants to be successful – right? Wrong. For most people,...
In this episode John and Kelly talk about the importance of one’s morning routine. In fact, John says that a person’s morning routine will determine their success in life. That one thing more than anything else. And he talks about the think it be it 12 minute a day technique. John and Kelly’s morning routine...
In this episode John and Kelly talk about growing intellectually. And how important it is to make your personal growth both consistent (every week) as well as strategic relative to what you want to accomplish. Kelly describes a great system she’s created for herself. Every Sunday she defines the things she’s going to listen to...
In this episode John and Kelly talk about moments in their life where it changed their trajectory. Kelly talks about when she first became an entrepreneur in the employment field. What drove her to make the leap. And Kelly talks about the lessons she learned. John talks about when he launched into being an entrepreneur...