Create The Exceptional Life... By Rewiring Your AUTOPILOT

We believe “The Exceptional Life” is a combination of three things.

Having a substantial annual income, having a great romantic relationship, and having great health.

For someone with a career, a substantial income would be multiple 6 figures a year.

For an entrepreneur, the “substantial income” component means netting over $1 million a year.

So why is income important?

Because when you can take your income to a consistently high level, you get what we all want. Freedom! And the lifestyle commensurate with your hard work.

But what good is it if you don’t have your health, or a great romantic partner to share your fabulous life with?

Clearly we all want The Exceptional Life. But why do so few people actually have it? It’s one fundamental “FALSE BELIEF” most people have about success…


Not so. You control your INTENTIONS. Your autopilot controls your daily actions because…

95% of your daily actions are UNCONSCIOUS.

That’s significant because your daily actions determine your success in each area of your life. In your career, in your health, and in your romantic relationship. Therefore if 95% of your daily actions are unconscious, if you don't gain control over those unconscious daily actions, you're playing the game of life at 5% of your potential.

You gain control of those unconscious daily actions by rewiring your AUTOPILOT. By applying the “central concept” of the top book in the world on success to your life. "Think & Grow Rich". A book that's been read by 150 million people. It's the top book in the world on success by a factor of 10.

This is all about upping your CONTROL over yourself.

Using our proprietary, 12 minute a day technique as your new morning routine.

When you can control your unconscious daily actions, it’s the ultimate in LEVERAGE. And you go from playing the “game of life” at 5% of your potential to playing at 100%. Watch what happens then…


Who's this for?


For the SERIOUS PLAYERS. For the 2% who are two things. Driven and deep.

Driven in the sense that more success is a necessity rather than merely a preference, as is the case with most people. Also driven to play the "game of life" at one's full potential.

Deep as reflected by a person that actually takes time to step back and think about their life. And is reflective on their life experience.

Our 12 minute a day technique, as your new morning routine, is an actual way of doing life.

We introduce our methodology to new 2%er's through John Mitchell's best-selling book, The Missing Secret... Of the legendary book Think and Grow Rich. And we go deep with 2%ers by licensing our patented methodology to well vetted BUSINESS COACHES.  If you're a coach, click HERE to learn about our licensing program.

In the book Think and Grow Rich it says there's a "SECRET" for success. But the author Napoleon Hill only gives half of the secret. John Mitchell figured out the full secret, the missing secret. And a 12 minute a day technique to apply it. It causes income to go up by 25 times over the $200,000 – $300,000 a year he made the prior 20 years. Learn the SECRET in this short 9 minute video. Click HERE.

When new clients read the book, they discover something startling. They see WHY all the things they’ve tried in the past to up their success haven’t worked. It’s like a lightbulb goes on in their head. They discover that everything else they've tried have been “strategies”. Only affecting their intentions. What’s different with our 12 minute a day technique is this. It's an actual way of "Doing Life" that makes great strategies show up automatically, without thinking, in your daily actions. Thereby giving you immensely more CONTROL over yourself. That's the game changer.

Our methodology is taught at one of the "Top 5" business schools in the country. The McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas. So it's well vetted. It's for those who want an EDGE in life, an advantage over everyone else. It's the science of success, the science of leveraging yourself.  So you play the game of life at 100% of your potential, rather than 5% as most people do.

And we make it super simple to customize our methodology to your unique life by using an AI algorithm which incorporates chatGPT. Just answer 40 – 50 questions, press a button, and 10 seconds later our proprietary template is customized to your uniquely precious life.


You are innately wired for SURVIVAL, causing you to be fear based and reactive. Watch our 3 minute video to learn how our 12 minute a day methodology overrides that and wires you for SUCCESS.

Start Your Journey

Buy John's book The Missing Secret...of  The Legendary  Book Think & Grow Rich.


And listen to John and Kelly's weekly show The Missing Secret Podcast. Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you like to listen.


Rewire Your Autopilot...
And Impact Your Income, Health and Marriage All at the Same Time

Click here to watch our short video that reveals the full secret of Think and Grow Rich.


The science behind our methodology was profiled on the cover of Time MagazineAnd John Mitchell teaches his 12 minute a day technique at one the “Top 5” Business Schools in the country. The McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas. Where it’s considered the “Top Application In The World” of the top book in the world on SUCCESS - Think & Grow Rich

Here's what other business owners say about our 12 minute a day methodology:

Is there a disconnect . . .

A disconnect between your efforts and your results. Your working 10 times harder today than when you first started your business. Yet you’re not making 10 times the results. Too often you’re off in the weeds, juggling 10 different things. Too often you’re overcome by distraction, overwhelmed and reactive.

The same thing may be happening in your marriage and controlling your health. And maybe you have a voice in your head that continually criticizes you rather than supports you.

But here’s what you’ll find interesting. It’s not your fault!

Because it’s happening unconsciously. You’re innately wired for survival. And, as you learned, 95% of your daily actions are unconscious. What that means is when you open your eyes each morning, you’re on autopilot most the day. Innately wired to be fear-based and reactive. That’s why you too often feel confused, stuck, or feel uncertain.

So to be productive, creative, and happy, you absolutely have to fix this problem. By rewiring your autopilot daily, using our 12 minute a day technique.

It focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle.

It triples your discipline, and causes “new ideas” to consistently come into your head every week. Productive and practical business ideas that aren’t coming in today. That’s happening from 3 key aspects of our leveraging methodology.

Imagine all that happening every week.

Respectfully, the results you’re having today in your business reflect your level of “competence” as an entrepreneur. As legendary football coach Bill Parcells says…”You are what your record says you are.”

This is how you UP your level of competence as an entrepreneur, learning from two entrepreneurs who have a strong track record of netting 7 figures a year. And who also teach you how to create the “Exceptional Life” in the other key areas of your life at the same time.

It’s a true “success formula”. That gives you what we all most want.

CONTROL over your life…

To a level beyond what you’ve experienced before. The result is you live your life on a daily basis with ongoing CONFIDENCE, focused ONLY on what moves the needle. With an inner voice that always supportive and calming. Rather than living your life distracted and fear-based.

For the first time ever, you have a true advantage in life.

And you move from having the “average life” to The Exceptional Life. By playing  the “game of life” at your full potential, rather than at a fraction of your potential.

We can help

John Mitchell

I started my career as a CPA. When I was 30, I became an entrepreneur. For 20 years I consistently netted netted $200,000-$300,000 a year. When I turned 50, everything changed. By applying "SCIENCE" to my life, I discovered how to truly LEVERAGE my biggest asset – my brain. It channeled my FOCUS to only what moves the needle, tripled my DISCIPLINE, & caused NEW IDEAS to consistently come into my head that weren't coming in before.

But more than anything, this 12 minute a day technique gave me a level of CONTROL over my life, beyond what I had ever previously experienced. I began playing the “game of life” at a much higher level, and it took my NET INCOME to over $5 million a year. A 25 times increase over what I’d averaged the prior 20 years. I felt so blessed.

Today I teach what I discovered (The Science of  Success, The Science of Leveraging Yourself) at one of the top universities in the country. The University of Texas at Austin.

As I started sharing this with the world,  I met Kelly Hatfield.

Kelly Hatfield

I tried John’s 12-minute-a-day methodology, and I saw my company’s net income go to seven figures a year. After many, many years of netting six figures a year. Surprisingly, it also impacted my health and my marriage at the same time. I too began playing the “game of life” at a much higher level. I could actually feel it, beside see the results.  It was so transformative that John and I became partners in John's human performance company, Think It Be It.

This methodology is truly transformational. And if you are truly driven, where more success is a necessity rather than merely a preference, buy John's book The Missing Secret. Watch what happens!

Our 12 minute a day Methodology is “radically” different

Everything else in the success and human achievement field are strategies. Often very good strategies. But you have strategies coming out your ears. What you need is a way to get great strategies to show up in the very thing that determines your success in life. Your daily thoughts and actions. And makes them "show up” automatically, without thinking. That’s what we achieve. It's an actual way of "Doing Life" that takes 12 minutes a day.

And while this methodology is designed to dramatically impact your income, surprisingly it impacts “quality of life” at the same time. This happens because our methodology impacts your daily actions in every area of your life.

As you’ll see, your daily actions and discipline are impacted regarding your health and romantic relationship. At the very same time you’re impacting your income. That’s so critical because your health and romantic relationship are the other two components required to have “The Exceptional Life”.

The bottom line? Our methodology as explained in The Missing Secret book gives you what we all want most. CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE. You’re controlling your ongoing thoughts and actions, to a level you’ve never experienced before.

“Control your thoughts, control your life”.


Get The Missing Secret Book Today!

Transform your life in just 12 minutes a day.